Discover the world by

  • Watching the public televisions to learn about countries
  • Reading books
  • Listening to music
  • Attending an international fair
  • Trying international food
  • Speaking a few words in another language makes all the difference.  You will be able to connect with other people; not only with your mind, but also with your heart.

Dance to international music, try different foods, sing the songs and have great fun doing it

 Respect Differences


The things we have in common with others are greater than the differences between us. Bring the world confidence by believing in yourself – see the failures as stepping stones and celebrate small wins in your world journey.

California – Mini World

You don’t have to travel far to see the world – it is much closer than you think. Los Angeles, California, a mini world where the mind and imagination thrives. Los Angeles is the city where millions of people with different backgrounds live side-by-side, working under the pleasant climate.

Cultural Competency

Cultural Competency

We may not travel around the world but we are still constantly affected by global issues and continuously deal with people from different cultures. People who possess cultural competency can gain tremendous advantage in the competitive global environment.

Knowledge about different cultures helps us to understand what makes people unique in terms of customs, tradition, values and beliefs. The important step to developing cultural awareness is to understand the main characteristics of our culture. For example, American businesspeople are impatient to get down to business relationships. However, in Middle Eastern and Asian countries, people invest considerable amounts of time in friendly conversation and friendship before going into their business agenda.

Cultural competency covers three elements:

  • Cultural awareness. This involves understanding one’s culture and how it impacts the thinking and attitude of the people.
  • Cultural sensitivity. This is the ability to respect cultural differences.
  • Developing the right attitude to respond to different situations.

We need to see both the differences and similarities in each culture to collaborate better with others.

Main Pillars of World Confidence

We needworld confidence to develop our global skills and qualities. Here are main pillars of world confidence:

  • Believe and your power and resources to make difference.
  • Don’t think yourself to capture knowledge and information. By exploring outside of your own self, you can start creative projects and find new solutions to the problems.
  • Don’t be afraid to fail. Keep practicing your world skills until you get comfortable with being around different cultures, values and traditions.
  • Start small and recognize your wins along the way.

Developing world confidence enables you to take larger view of the world; it teaches us to think and interpret worldwide developments and events in a flexible and informed way, and it helps us to become actors/actresses rather than spectators in the global game.